Peter is delighted that he will conduct two of the greatest choral pieces of all time early next year. Both are by Mozart - firstly his Requiem on 12 January and then the C minor Mass on 28 April. The Requiem is ...
Peter Fender
Lili Boulanger was a French composer that few people have heard of. Having studied at the Paris Conservatoire since the age of 10, in 1913, aged just 19, she won the musical composition category of the Prix de Rome. She was the first woman to win this ...
Peter has just uploaded the second part of a two-part video which looks into how to conduct the famous opening to Beethoven's Symphony No.5. He has a course forthcoming on that very piece of music (7-9 September) ...
Next month Peter will conduct the first UK appearance of this star group of clarinetists from Sicily. If you've never heard a full clarinet choir before you will be amazed! The sound is incredible- 16 players from the ultra low sounds on the bass clarinet way up ...
Peter has just released the first part of a two-part video entitled 'How to conduct Beethoven Symphony No.5'. In advance of his masterclass weekend 7-9 September 2018 (see for details) he looks into this famous opening ...
Mid Sussex Sinfonia, conducted by Peter, are holding a day playing Mahler's Symphony No.1 ('Titan') on Sunday 2 September in Hassocks (deep in beautiful Sussex!). Players are invited to come and swell the ranks of the orchestra ...
Peter has recently finished creating an edition of Ethel Smyth's 'The Boatswain's Mate' overture. It contains the tune that she also used for the famous suffragette anthem 'March of the Women'. There's still time to fit in some of her music in this year ...
In June Peter will lead the first of his new sessions focussing on string playing technique. These sessions, an afternoon in length, are for amateur players of all stringed orchestral instruments (violin, viola, 'cello, double bass) ...