New edition of Ethel Smyth overture finished

Peter has recently finished creating an edition of Ethel Smyth's 'The Boatswain's Mate' overture. It contains the tune that she also used for the famous suffragette anthem 'March of the Women'. There's still time to fit in some of her music in this year celebrating the widening of suffrage in this country!
You can hear a recording of the overture here:
The full version is for 2222 4231 Tmp+2 Hp Str (although it can be done with one percussionist).
In addition there are two alternative versions:
2222 4200 Tmp Str
2222 2200 Tmp Str
A full set of parts for one of the versions plus the score costs £50 - I will send you the pdfs and you can print out whatever parts you want. If you want hard copies sending it will cost £90 (you'll get the pdfs too). Let me know if you're interested!