Writing new music: ivory towers and eggs. Welcome to the first of a series of six blogs I'm writing in the run-up to a concert I'm conducting on 30 October, which includes a new piece I've written. It strikes me that the business of composition is ...
Peter Fender
Peter's 'big' birthday concert is on 30 October, and the flyer has just arrived ... please point lots of people in its direction :)
FREE CONCERT STREAM: Peter's concert to celebrate his 60th birthday will be on 30 October, in St James's Church, Piccadily, London (see Schedule for full details). The concert will be streamed live ...
Rehearsal and concert life is returning to London, and Peter is planning his 60th birthday concert to be held in St James' Piccadilly on Saturday 30 October. It's a concert including some of his favourite music plus a new piece he is writing ...
Begun in response to the shutdown of musical activity in March 2020 Peter's online sessions have proved very popular, so they will continue on until at least the end of 2021 ...
To publicise and complement Peter's 'Masterworks Unwrapped' series of talks there is now a series of video shorts looking into a piece of music and/or a composer in just 5 or 6 minutes!
New in-person conducting courses are being planned for the Autumn (21 months after the last one!) - one for beginners on 7 November; the other is a more advanced course on conducting Stravinsky and Puccini, with a full professional orchestra ...
Masterworks Unwrapped, to use an F1 analogy, has gone to a one-stop strategy! In other words, there will be one session per month, on the first Tuesday of each month (nice and easy to remember!). Sessions coming up are on the music of Fanny Mendelssohn ...