Peter has been asked to lead a singing weekend in the lovely town of Lydd in Kent, 24-26 February next year (starting 4.30pm on the 24th, finishing c.4.30 on the 26th). The repertoire to be sung will be music by women composers ...
Peter Fender
Peter is conducting a number of concerts this Autumn, and also has the première of his major new composition: 21st Century Requiem. The Requiem will be performed alongside the Mozart Requiem on Saturday 29 October ...
Peter is beavering away to complete his '21st Century Requiem', which will be given its première on Saturday 29 October in London. Writing a Requiem (even a relatively short one) is quite a job ...
For many years I have found the music of JS Bach to be the most sublime and moving music that I have ever experienced. I'm lucky to have been able to play and conduct quite a number of his works. But until recently I'd never read a biography of Bach ...
The Covid situation has improved markedly of late, and all types concerts have been getting going again. What a relief! Peter is delighted that his performance of Bach's St John Passion will take place on Good Friday (15 April) in ...
A studio recording of Peter's recent composition 'Another Lie', after it's première in London in November, has been released today! Based on a video by Peter Stefanovic, it centres around certain pronouncements by Boris Johnson ...
I said I would write something this time about what I called the 'common sense' bit of composing. What I think this comes down to is actually 'why are you composing?' Let me explain.
Last week I gave you what I wrote 10 years ago about composing. I'm going to use that as the starting point for my writing today ...