What is Christmas without Messiah?

For me, Christmas would be really lacking something without Handel's Messiah! And I know I'm not the only one who thinks that! But because the text of Messiah takes in Easter too it could just as easily be Easter that is the traditional time to perform the piece. Well, yes, it does get performed at Easter, but not nearly as much as at Christmas. Why? Answers on a postcard please!
I'm so much looking forward to directing Messiah again this year (Friday 16 December), in the candlelit darkness of the beautiful St James Church in Piccadilly in London. The venue for this music is really important to me - I don't find it nearly as powerful if it's done in a modern concert hall.
If you are in London I would love to see you there, to experience this great music, this great story, in the perfect surroundings!
Tickets on the door or in advance at https://www.wegottickets.com/event/555152