Lili Boulanger
Submitted on 18 April 2024 - 8:41am

Peter is delighted that he will conduct a rare performance of Psalm 130 by Lili Boulanger, on 21 September in London. It is one of her most powerful pieces, a setting of the words "From the depths I cry to you, o Lord". Boulanger wrote the work aged just 23, but it is full of both emotional and musical maturity, with complext harmonies which represent, for example, the abyss, and she also uses the chorus in a non-traditional manner, as part of the overall sound rather than giving it the focus it often receives. She dedicated the work to her beloved father, who dies when she was just 6, and event which, according to her sister Nadia, was at the roots of her talents.
Don't miss the singular opportunity to hear one of the most beautiful pieces of music from the early 20th century!