
Composer Piece Category
Marsh, John Symphony No.4 in F Symphonies
Mascagni Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana Orchestral
Mateo Flecha the Elder Riu, riu, ciu Choral
Mayer, Emilie Faust Overture Orchestral
Mayr, Rupert Salve Regina With soloist(s)
Mendelssohn Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage Overture Orchestral
Mendelssohn Concerto for 2 pianos in E With soloist(s)
Mendelssohn Concerto for violin in E minor With soloist(s)
Mendelssohn Hebrides Overture Orchestral
Mendelssohn Hor Mein Bitten Choral
Mendelssohn Midsummer Night's Dream Orchestral
Mendelssohn Piano Concerto No.1 in G minor With soloist(s)
Mendelssohn Symphony No.1 in C minor Symphonies
Mendelssohn Symphony No.3 (Scottish) Symphonies
Mendelssohn Symphony No.4 in A (Italian) Symphonies
Mendelssohn Symphony No.5 (Reformation) Symphonies
Messiaen Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum Wind
Messiaen L'Ascension Orchestral
Milhaud Saudades do Brasil Orchestral
Milhaud Symphonie de Chambre No.5 Wind
Monteverdi Hor ch'el ciel e la terra Choral
Morten Lauridsen O Magnum Mysterium Choral
Mozart Bassoon concerto With soloist(s)
Mozart Concert for clarinet in A With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for 2 pianos in Eb K365 With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for flute and harp in C With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for flute in G With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for horn No.4 in Eb With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for piano No.17 in G With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for piano No.20 in D minor With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for piano No.23 in A With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for violin No.3 in G With soloist(s)
Mozart Concerto for violin No.5 in A With soloist(s)
Mozart Deh vieni alla finestra Opera
Mozart Don Giovanni Overture Orchestral
Mozart German Dances K571, and K 586 Orchestral
Mozart Idomeneo Overture Orchestral
Mozart Kontratanz K535 Orchestral
Mozart La ci darem la mano Opera
Mozart La Clemenza di Tito Overture Orchestral
Mozart Laudate Dominum Choral
Mozart Magic Flute Overture Orchestral
Mozart Mass in C minor Choral
Mozart Requiem Choral
Mozart Serenade No.12 for Wind in C minor Wind
Mozart Symphony No.1 in Eb Symphonies
Mozart Symphony No.10 in D Symphonies
Mozart Symphony No.10 in G Symphonies
Mozart Symphony No.11 in D Symphonies
Mozart Symphony No.12 in G Symphonies


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